Who We Are

We have formed a local community board comprised of stakeholders from throughout the county with one goal in mind, to help reduce adolescent problem behaviors. We hope to meet this objective by using a long respected method of using the learned data to help reduce the “risk factors” (that which tells why the behavior happens) and increase “protective factors” (or ways that are data-proven to help prevent the behaviors).

Videos about the CTC Model:

Our Structure:

The CTC model is an outline of the comprehensive, coordinated planning process a community should follow in order to bring about the positive change they want to see. The CTC Mobilizer and the local Community Board ensure that the process is followed according to the model. The process is successful when Key Leaders in the community help support the Community Board and the implementation of the CTC phases. The tasks that need accomplished are assigned to different workgroups, which are made up of Community Board members and other supportive community members.

Committee Responsibilities:

Risk & Protective Factor:
  • Collect risk and protective – factor data
  • Analyze the data
  • Facilitate the prioritization process
  • Facilitate implementation of the
    Communities That Care (PAYS)Youth Survey
  • Collect archival data
  • Create a list of priority risk and protective factors
  • Reassess risk, protection and youth outcomes
  • Report accomplishments and findings
Community Board Maintenance
  • Finalize the Community Board’s organizational structure
  • Establish communication and reporting protocols
  • Work with Executive Board to establish bylaws and operating procedures
  • Coordinate fiscal and legal status
    Develop a process for recruiting and educating new Community Board members
  • Coordinate team-building and recognition activities
Community Outreach and PR
  • Maintain contact with stakeholders
  • Identify opportunities to educate and involve community members
  • Identify opportunities to celebrate success
  • Create opportunities for receiving input, promoting benefits and announcing outcomes
  • Work with the media
  • Develop and maintain a distribution list for the Community Assessment Report
Resource Assessment & Evaluation
  • Develop an inventory of existing community programs, policies and practices
  • Create a map or list of the locations of resources in the community
    Assess existing resources
  • Identify gaps
  • Report accomplishments and findings
  • Design and plan an evaluation of the Community Action Plan
Youth Involvement
  • Identify existing youth groups
  • Recruit youth to serve on the Community Board
  • Involve youth in other work-group activities
  • Coordinate skills development and youth recognition
  • Identify resources
  • Identify sources of funding
  • Develop a long-term funding plan
  • Identify and communicate with potential funders
  • Write grant proposals

Executive Committee

Shelbe Weaver
Alex Reagle

Wendy Gaither
Rita Masi
Brittany Cooley

Mobilizer / Fayette County Drug and Alcohol Commission
Board Co-Director / Domestic Violence Services of SWPA
Board Co-Director/ Reach Marketing & Design
Board Treasurer / Fayette County Community Action Agency
Board Secretary / Big Brothers Big Sisters

Shelbe Weaver:
Fayette County Drug and Alcohol

Alex Reagle:
Board Co- Director
Domestic Violence Services of Southwestern Pennsylvania

Wendy Gaither:
Board Co-Director
Reach Marketing and Design

Rita Masi:
Fayette County Community Action Agency

Brittany Cooley:
Board Secretary
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Laurel Region

Community Board

Marsha Androsik
Mel Brownfield
Marilyn Calloway
Jennifer Deichert
Regina Donkers
Keeley Forrestel
Blair Howarth
JoAnn Jankoski
Barb Koffler
Stephanie Mihleder
Randy Miller
Crystal Patterson
Sue Ann Premier
Sandra Quarrick
Sami Quinn
Sue Quinn
Alex Reagle
Shelia Shea
Steve Strange
Rebecca Taylor
Lee Winterhalter
Eric Witt

Fayette County Drug and Alcohol Commission
East End Community Center
Penn State Extension
Fayette County Behavioral Health Administration
East End Community Center
Representative Matt Dowling’s Office
Penn State Fayette Campus
Penn State Fayette Campus
Big Brothers, Big Sisters Laurel Region
Laurel Highlands School District
A Child’s Place
Fayette County Community Action Agency
Penn State Fayette Continuing Education
Fayette County Coroner’s Office
Senator Pat Stefano’s Office
Domestic Violence Services of SWPA
County of Fayette
East End Community Center
Faith Assembly of God
Fayette County Drug and Alcohol Commission
Albert Gallatin School District

Marsha Androsik: Pathways
Mel Brownfield: Fayette County Drug and Alcohol Commission
Marilyn Calloway: East End Community Center
Jennifer Deichert: Penn State Extension
Regina Donkers: Fayette County Behavioral Health
Keeley Forrestel: East End Community Center
Blair Howarth:PA State Representative Matt Dowling’s Office
JoAnn Jankoski: Penn State Fayette Campus
Barb Koffler: Penn State Fayette Campus
Stephanie Mihleder: Big Brothers, Big Sisters Laurel Region
Randy Miller: Laurel Highlands School District
Crystal Patterson: A Child’s Place
Sue Ann Premier: Fayette County Community Action Agency
Sandra Quarrick:Penn State Fayette-Continuing Education
Sami Quinn Fayette County Coroner’s Office
Sue Quinn: Senator Pat Stefano’s Office
Alex Reagle: Domestic Violence Services of SWPA
Shelia Shea:County of Fayette
Steve Strange: East End Community Center
Rebecca Taylor: Faith Assembly of God
Lee Winterhalter: Fayette County Drug and Alcohol Commission
Eric Witt:Albert Gallatin School District

Our Champion!

Communities That Care of Fayette County is pleased to announce that we have named Jennifer Deichert as our CTC Champion! A Communities That Care Champion is someone who is visible and respected in our community, who understands and supports CTC and its endeavors, and is willing to serve as an advocate for CTC.

We chose Jennifer because of her unwavering interest and involvement in the Communities That Care process from the very beginning. She became involved with CTC through her work, and has passionate about our coalition because she feels that our community is a great place to live and raise children. Jennifer’s interest is driven by the proactive process of CTC and the nurturing environment it creates.

Jennifer is the 4-H Extension Educator with Penn State Extention. She grew up in Connellsville, but is now a resident of Uniontown. Jennifer and her husband, Andy, have two children: Marisa and William. They have horses and she also loves hiking, biking gardening and watching the Penguins and Pirates!

Her passion is our community youth! In her current position, her job is to promote positive youth development through 4-H, school enrichment and other youth programs. She has been working with a CYFAR grant to bring Strengthening Families 10-14 to Fayette County, which is an evidence-based program support by CTC.

CTC Funding:

Communities that Care of Fayette works with The Fayette County Drug and Alcohol Commission as its sole fiduciary agent. Since 1974, the Fayette County Drug and Alcohol Commission, Inc. (FCDAC, Inc.) has been enhancing our community’s quality of life by promoting addiction free living. They achieve this mission by empowering individuals to access education, intervention, assessment, treatment and referral sources.

FCDAC is committed to providing the most current information on alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (ATOD), drug trends, treatment and other related issues. Their educational and informational programs are offered in the schools and community as classroom programs, small groups, and one-time presentations. All programs are designed to encourage and promote safe, responsible decision-making skills, as well as drug and alcohol awareness.

Communities That Care (CTC) is a map for a community to follow to address adolescent problem behaviors and promote positive youth development.