of Fayette County
Our Findings From The PAYS Survey:
Our Risk, Protection, and Resource Work Group has analyzed data from the Pennsylvania Youth Survey (PAYS) to learn about the youth in our communities.
Communities that Care Accomplishments:
The CTC model uses a Milestones and Benchmarks tool. Click the image above to see the progress of CTC of Fayette County!
Video Introduction to Communities that Care
To help you understand our model, please click image to view a YouTube video explaining more about CTC.
What We Do:
Communities that Care of Fayette uses the Pennsylvania Youth Survey (PAYS) to identify local risk and protective factors. The data is then used to implement a comprehensive plan to step ahead of problems with far-reaching and long-lasting solutions in the form of evidence-based programs. After 2-3 years of implementing these strategies, the community reassesses their risk and protective factors to measure impact and identify new emerging priorities.
Meeting Calendar:
You’re invited to join any meeting we are holding! You’ll find Community Board, Chairperson and Committee meeting times here.

Communities That Care (CTC) is a map for a community to follow to address adolescent problem behaviors and promote positive youth development.